The Problem:
Isolating the deck of a turntable from the plinth
The Solution :"We love this product , We make custom plinths for the turntables we restore at , the isolators are used to decouple the deck from the plinth, shown here your Isolate It! Sorbothane Hemispheres in use . We allow for the compression from the weight of our Bamboo deck and the turntable with tonearms and accesories . This weight is easily handled by your product . The deck with the weight of the turntable once placed in the plinth with your hemispheres in place at the corners settles flush with the edges of the plinth and does not ever settle any further. There is clearance all around the deck so that it never touches the plinth and is "floating" on your hemispheres. This makes a great difference in the sound produced by the vintage classic Thorens TD124 turntables , Your "Isolate It" Sorbothane Hemispheres decouple the deck from the plinth eliminating resonance caused by loudspeakers , the sound waves hit the sides of the plinth and cause resonance vibrations, with the Isolate It Sorbothane Hemispheres used to decouple the deck from the bulk of the plinth this transfer of resonance to the turntable and tonearm is virtually eliminated."
Products used:
20" 50 duro Isolate It! Sorbothane hemispheres 0510141-50-4